Monday, November 23, 2009

Are you Ohio Boys done playing with your barbies?

Ohio boys, where are all the deer you are supposed to be pulling out of the woods? I am wondering if you guys even go out to the woods or if you just stay home and play with your barbies all day? I hope you guys hunt hard over this break and bring home some big deer! Good luck, stay safe, and have a great Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Squirrel Down in Ohio!!

This is my nice female squirrel that I took with my bow the other day. I was walking to my stand in the woods and she just popped up on a stump about 5 yards in front of me so I let her have it. I almost cut her arm off in the process.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Jev the Jackhammer strikes in Pittsburgh!

Jev knocked down an 8 pt for the count the first night at a property we just got permission to hunt. He was very excited. It is not the biggest buck ever, but is first PA whitetail buck, and with a bow no less. It was a great shot and he only made it around 100 yards before he went down.

Squirrel Down....with my bow!

Jev the Jackhammer and I went out in the Pittsburgh woods and got us a monster Squirrel with my bow. I had a 7 point come in that I decided to pass on. Jev bet me I couldn't hit the squirrel with my bow, but I proved him wrong!
Video of Squirrel shooting:

Video of the interview after the shooting:

Video of Buck I passed up on:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How to properly Cape a deer for a shoulder mount!

This video would have greatly helped Kenny and I the other day. We did an ok Job, but this video shows the proper way to do it:

Monday, October 5, 2009

Pittsburgh boys head to Ohio!!!!!

The Pittsburgh boys headed down to Ohio for some farm hunting fun! Our host was Kenny "big hillbilly" and we would like to thank him for the hospitality and Ray Martin as well for allowing us to come on down and hunt. Day one of the hunt started off with arrows flying around the farm. I had a buck down within the first half hour of the hunt. My buck was not a bruiser, but he is my first buck ever and I was very happy with him! He was not very wide, but had some very good height to him.

The last picture shows the awesome enterance wound of the rage 2 blade. My shot got both lungs, the heart, and broke the opposite shoulder. He only ran 60-80 yards before dying.

Bryant got a whack at doe the very first morning as well, but neglected to hit any vitals. We unfortunately were unable to find the deer. That afternoon however he managed to put a good shot on her baby button buck when he came back to find his mommy! Bryant said before the hunt, "I am trophy hunting this year". His statement proved true when he drug this 17 lb 14 oz beast out of the woods on the first afternoon hunt.
In this picture if you look closely you can see the milk on the deers lips!
From this angle you can see what appears to be a rope on the deer. This was said to be the umbilical cord.The lady at the check in station said that it was not necessary to check in coyotes, but we assured her that it was indeed a deer.

Tyson "Tux" had a really nice shot on a 6-point buck but he failed to tell the deer he was supposed to die after all the blood was drained from his body. We followed an awesome blood trail that a Helen Keller could have followed for over a mile and we never found the Buck.

All in all the trip was a blast and we all had fun! Bryant is still trophy hunting until Wednesday so we will see if he can bring home a bruiser!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Ken "Big Hillbilly" Hunting Extraviganza!!!!!!!!!

Well Boys lucky for you the weather has pushed a little cold front in. Looks like the time you will be here the temp will stay at or below 65 degrees during the day and push in to the mid-to high 30's at night. Not to mention that the sunday the 4th of oct is a full moon. The conditions look prime for the pre-rut to start. I think that we will have to take a few man trips beside the hunting. One to the Der Dutchman for a wonderful breakfast buffet. Sunday night will be a cook out wich we will make a dry run of Rays turporken turkey around a chicken around pork loin with stuffing, Baked beans, Pasta salad, Cheesse potatos and pies from the Der Dutchman. Then the Therman Cafe it made the man vs. food look at new youtube clips. But this should be a fun week of manly activities.

Opening day!!!!! Ohio

Here are two doe's that are hanging out at your food source here in Ohio Ryan. Looks like evenings will be hot in this stand. Opening day here in Ohio was a rainy and humid day. I seen two bucks one was a shooter that was out to far. The other was not a shooter and was still two far out. I also got winded by a doe. My old man seen two doe's that were 75 yards behind me but I was in a ground blind and did not see them nor did they come in range. Everyone else said the woods were dead and I have to believe with as hot as it was they beded down in a food source like the corn and didn't move much.

New York Trip!

To avoid the G-20 my wife and I went to Kent, NY to get away. We decided to go fishing at Oak Orchard Creek and I managed to land my first salmon on a fly rod. It was not exactly fair hooked, but for my first one, I don't really care. I believe it to be around 20-25 pounds. The picture unfortunately does not do it justice! It had some huge girth to it.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

5 yards out side my blind!!!!!!

This is just a little of what I hope to see out of my blind Opening day. Think I'll pass on that little guy though.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Spring 2009 Turkey

Just so you guys can get a look at the turkey I bagged this year. He's got a 7-inch beard and weighed 18 lbs. I shot him out of Ken's ground blind. He came in at full strut after my decoys. He came in to about 7 yards and I whacked him with my bow. Great turkey and I look forward to doing it all over again with my bow next year!!

New Ghille Suit!

I have added a new threat to my deer hunting arsenal. This proved to be helpful when I dropped the doe on opening day from 25 yards. I was standing in the open and she never saw me!

Fishing on the Honeymoon!

The Ripper and Mrs. Ripper went to Manistee, Mi for their honeymoon. While there they went fishing in the lake with Mark Chmura of Pier Pressure Charters. We were not disappointed by the trip. Captain Mark got us on the fish instantly with the first fishing being the biggest:

14 Fish were landed (13 King salmon and 1 Lake trout). There will be plenty more trips to be taken with Pier Pressure charters in the future!

Pittsburgh Boys strike on Opening day!

September 19th was the opening day for doe only in Allegheny Co., PA. We had everything worked out a few months prior to the season, until the railroad workers told us we can't park on the tracks anymore! This left us with some decisions to be made on where we would be sitting on opening day.
Bryant "the Bandit" decided to hunt off the RR tracks anyways and he only saw a pair of does on his walk in. This was before shooting light and apparently he decided not to shoot (this came as a surprise to us PA boys). You see The Bandit takes a shot when one presents its self rather it is legal or not. The Bandit unfortunately came up empty handed for opening day!

Tyson "the Tyrant" Murdock decided to stay home in the morning because the poor baby was not feeling well! He decided to go out in the afternoon and was skunked as well.

Jev "the jackhammer" and Ryan "the Ripper" had one heck of an interesting morning. It started off with the night before going to a piece of property on a whim to pick out a place to sit. We found a place probably only 50 yards off the road between two big deer trails that created a perfect funnel. The next morning, the Ripper, the Jackhammer, and Mrs. Ripper went to the woods and were unable to find the spot they had found the night before. So we were forced to sit in another spot. We were able to see many deer in the woods that morning and The Ripper was able to whack a doe at 25 yards to get the Pittsburgh Boys on the board for the 2009 deer hunting season. The does came out in a group of 5-6 from a private piece of property accross the road. The Jackhammer was suppossed to be the first to shoot, but he was caught sitting the wrong direction with his bow on the tree beside him and his right thumb straight up his pooper! The doe decided it best to return to the private property to die causing a mild confrontation ending in a picture of liscense plates and threats to call the police!

The doe weighed 125 lbs field dressed and was butured in record time by the ripper and the jackhammer while Mrs. Ripper cooked pancakes the manly men.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Homemade deer feeders

I think we should build a couple of these cheap deer feeders on the property. They seem really sturdy and would be easy to maintain.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New motto

New motto: "I'd rather be lucky than good any day of the week." Bubba from Endless Season (hunting show).

Monday, July 13, 2009

Anthony and I have started the preseason scouting we seen a ton of busks to day as well as these cam shots that where taken over the last week. the season is upon us and it looks to be a great one once again.